• "The task of modern educators is not to cut down jungles,
    but to irrigate deserts.”

                 C.S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man


    From young children to young adults, our students daily face many challenges that are unique to this generation. However, through the enduring relationships that we build with them, we irrigate the desert places of their souls with Christ’s love and example so that they can build the skills to navigate lives well filled with faith, knowledge, and virtue.

    The mission of Pacific Bay Christian School is to be a community of Christian scholarship and discipleship that nurtures our students’ growth in faith, knowledge, and virtue.

    We aim to give our students glimpses of lives well-lived in a strong Christian liberal arts school setting. Pacifica’s panoramic views, juxtaposed with the Bay Area’s ever-changing and world-shaping entrepreneurial spirit, distinctly position us to develop young people who are simultaneously ever-curious while grounded in the wonders and mysteries of God’s creation.


    Qualifications and Attributes

    We are currently recruiting talented, thoughtful, and innovative educators in a variety of teaching, administrative, and leadership positions. Because of the collegial culture of our school, the applicant should be both a leader in the classroom and a ready team player in this dynamic learning community poised to further our school’s mission. We seek educators who live out their faith daily and in community, strive for intellectual rigor, exhibit self-awareness, exercise creativity, display courage, show compassion, demonstrate service, and are globally minded. We welcome both aspiring and experienced educators to inquire.


    Positions Available

    Please email James Sweeney, jsweeney@pacbay.org, to inquire about available positions as we are seeking talented and aspirational educators to further develop a great learning community.